Vitamin C and your Health!!!
By: Ayulent Healthcare
Humans are unique members of the animal kingdom. We are one of the few species that need vitamin C, which was proved in 1747, but the vitamin itself was not discovered until 1932. Since then, scientists have known that there is an enormous amount of vitamin C, but they still do not have all the answers to the question of what exactly it is: vitamin C is an organic chemical that is essential for the body’s metabolism.
Humans cannot produce all 13 recognized vitamins, but vitamin D is a vitamin that can be obtained from food to prevent disease. With a balanced diet, only a tiny amount is required to get an adequate dose of all 13. The question is not whether people need all the vitamins we have, but whether an additional dose will bring additional benefits. Of the eight B vitamins, vitamin C is the most water-soluble.
As a fat-soluble vitamin, it is not significantly stored in the body. In the body, vitamin C gets into the liquid components of tissues and cells. Excessive amounts are passed through the urine. It can be taken up from the diet or removed from the diet by cooking in large quantities of water, but the use of prolonged storage of fresh fruits and vegetables reduces their vitamin C content, and microwaves or cooking in small quantities of water do not reduce the C in the diet.
When vitamin C begins to work in the intestinal tract, it promotes the absorption of iron. Vitamin C also has many functions. It contributes to the production of healthy collagen, a protein that forms the backbone of connective tissue. It is therefore essential for healthy skin and blood vessels, good healing of wounds and good bones.
Vitamin C is essential for the production of neurotransmitters, chemicals that transmit messages between nerve cells in the brain and nervous system. It also affects prostaglandins and nitric oxide, chemicals that play an important role in blood clotting, vascular function and lung function. Vitamin C’s role in the immune system improves the function of the white blood cells that devour invading bacteria. In the endocrine system, it seems to improve glucose and sugar metabolism.
But the function that has attracted the most interest is vitamin C’s role as an antioxidant. Vitamin C is one of nature’s most powerful and versatile antioxidants. But there is only one role that qualifies vitamin C as indispensable.
Vitamin C alone protects DNA from oxidative damage, reduces the risk of cancer, protects against memory loss and various neurological diseases, and slows down the ageing process itself. Vitamin C also helps protect LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) from oxidative damage (oxidation that excretes bad cholesterol) and it reduces the risk of heart disease, stroke and peripheral arterial disease. It can also help to regenerate vitamin E and boost the supply of vitamin E. It has an impressive range of functions and, despite its proven therapeutic role in preventing scurvy, indirect evidence suggests that vitamin C can do much more.
Fibre, also known as Fibre or bulk solids, contains parts of plant-based foods that the body can’t digest or absorb. In general, fiber is a plant material that cannot be easily broken down in the human digestive tract. Fiber is found in plant foods such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, beans, seeds, and whole grains. Dietary fibers are non-digestible vegetable carbohydrates that are contained in the cell walls of all plant parts. It passes through the human digestive tract intact and has little calorie value. Fiber is insoluble in Fibre and acts like a sponge that can absorb up to 15 times as much water as its weight, making people feel better.
Oats, peas, apples, beans, barley, citrus fruits, and carrots are good sources of soluble fiber. Fiber is also helpful in maintaining a healthy digestive system, blood sugar, and weight. Fibre regulates the body’s sugar consumption, keeping hunger and blood sugar at bay. Good sources of insoluble fiber are whole grains, legumes, fruits, and vegetables. Insoluble fibers are found in whole wheat flour, whey, nuts, beans, cauliflower, green beans, and potatoes. Soluble fiber helps to transport material through the digestive system and replenish the stool, which can benefit sufferers of constipation.
Soluble fibers, when dissolved in water, help to lower glucose levels and blood cholesterol levels. Soluble fiber maintains the body’s sense of satiety and satiety for long periods, which is another reason why foods rich in soluble fiber are recommended for weight control. Soluble Fibre dissolves in water and forms a gel that slows the absorption of sugar and fat from the blood, helping to maintain healthy blood glucose and cholesterol levels. Soluble fiber foods include oatmeal, nuts, beans, lentils, apples, and blueberries. Insoluble fibers that do not dissolve in water help foods move faster through the digestive system, promote regularity and prevent constipation.
Insoluble fibers found in foods such as whole grains, bran, whole grains, nuts, and legumes do not absorb water. As the main part of the stool, it helps food move through the body and promotes regularity, an important aspect of well-being. Foods with insoluble fibers are wheat (wholemeal bread), whole grains (couscous, brown rice), legumes (carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, etc. The more Fibre a person ingests in their diet, the more water they need to keep the Fibre circulating through the digestive tract. If you don’t eat enough Fibre every day, you may need to increase your intake. For example, if a person consumes more than 50 grams of Fibre per day, he or she may suffer from diarrhea and flatulence, which can affect the absorption of other minerals by the body.
The American Dietetic Association recommends eating between 20 and 35 grams of Fibre a day. However, it is estimated that less than 5% of Americans consume the recommended amount of Fibre every day. On average, Americans consume 15 grams or less of Fibre a day, which is less than the recommended amount.
According to the National Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Medicine, the recommended daily intake for men is 38 grams of Fibre and 25 grams for women over 50. Numerous studies have shown a link between dietary Fibre intake and heart health. Participants who ate a high-Fibre diet had a 40% lower risk of heart disease in one study.
Dietary Fibre improves digestion, which can help lower the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. Dietary Fibre in nuts, seeds, and cereals has been shown to lower cholesterol by lowering low-density Fibre-related lipoprotein (bad cholesterol) and reducing blood pressure and inflammation.
Fiber may not seem like a sexy topic (think of the Metamucil commercial), but it is a crucial part of a healthy diet. Fiber helps us stabilize our blood sugar levels, control our weight, feel full after meals, and keep our colon happy. According to the Dietary Guidelines 2020-2025 for Americans, most people can meet their daily Fibre requirements.
Some of the high fiber foods apart from vegetables and fruits are whole grains, seeds, nuts, and legumes. High-fiber foods tend to take longer and are less energy-dense, meaning they contain fewer calories in the same amount of food. They also tend to be more filling than low-fiber foods, so you are more likely to eat less and stay satisfied.
Fruits, vegetables, beans, and whole grains are a blend of naturally occurring Fibre that covers a range of health benefits. They are rich in nutrients and phytochemicals and low in sugar and sodium. By moving towards a more varied diet with lots of plants, you are on the right path to increasing your fiber intake.
The Chan School of Public Health has shown that evidence that high Fibre intake reduces breast cancer risk suggests that fiber intake is important in adolescence and early adulthood. Women who consume high-fiber foods such as vegetables and fruit in adolescence and young adulthood have a lower risk of breast cancer than those who consume less fiber in their younger years. By doubling their Fibre intake, low-Fibre people reduce their risk of colorectal cancer by 40%.
A good source of Fibre is foods that contain at least 3 grams of Fibre per serving. Foods with at least 5 grams of Fibre per serving are an excellent source of fiber.