Diet vs Lifestyle Change: Know the Differences
By: Ayulent Healthcare
According to the CDC, more than 70% of the USA population is suffering from obesity. But surprisingly, according to a study in 2012, around 100 million people in the USA were on a diet. That means, people are more concerned with their health. Besides, the fitness and supplement industry are a huge business in the USA.
You may be wondering if more than 100 million people were on a diet, then why a major portion of the USA is suffering from obesity. The answer to this question is simple. If you want to lose weight temporarily, diet can help you. But if you want to live a healthy life forever, you’ll have to change your lifestyle along with your diet.
Know the Differences between Diet & Lifestyle Change
The main purpose of a diet is to achieve short term goals such as weight loss or lose some extra fats. But you’ll have to remember that diet is temporary. During your diet, people treat food as an enemy and starve all day. As a result, as soon as the diet is over, people start eating those unhealthy foods and get back to their previous condition.
Diet, if not done right, is like torture rather than a routine. Besides, it’s not sustainable. Usually, once they reach their certain body goals through dieting, people get back to their regular life and waste all their efforts.
There can be several reasons behind dieting. For example, many people want to lose some extra pounds before important events such as a wedding. They fix a specific day and start dieting one or two months earlier. Once the event is over, they stop dieting. Through dieting, you can see changes quickly and feel good about it. But once you stop it, everything will go back to be like it was…
Lifestyle Change
The main difference between diet and lifestyle change is that lifestyle change is permanent. It’ll stay with you for life. Things you’ll achieve through lifestyle change is limitless.
The main purpose of lifestyle change is to live longer. As the name suggests, through lifestyle change, you’ll have to remove all the bad habits from your life, such as smoking cigarettes, not working out daily, etc. Besides, when you change your lifestyle, you won’t have to starve like a person who is on a diet. You’ll be able to live freely and enjoy your life to the full extent.
Many people feel guilty about eating while they are on a diet. But when you change your lifestyle, you won’t have the guilt feeling of eating unhealthy food – because you won’t be eating any. However, lifestyle change is more than just a “long diet” because you’ll have a proper nutrition plan, workout schedule, sleep routine, etc.
2 Tips on Changing Your Lifestyle
1. Take Small Steps
Don’t try to change your whole lifestyle at once. Generally, people start everything at once. As a result, their body cannot cope with all the changes. Eventually, they become sick and give up their plan.
2. Have a Clear Vision about Why You Want to Change Your Lifestyle
Many people don’t have a clear idea why they want a change. Eventually, they give up their plan and cannot change their lifestyle. That’s why you should have a reason first and start working on that.